All over the world we are starting to feel the major impacts of climate change. The question is therefore not whether we should act on CO2 emissions and stop the pollution of our water and land. It is about having the courage and foresight to make the necessary changes and decisions now, to ensure that the water we drink, the air we breathe, the food we eat and the products we consume are safe for our environment, families and the generations to come. 


Sustainability is not merely an environmental issue but a comprehensive approach to a better way of doing business and growing together with our customers. Our approach consists of all three aspects of sustainability: social, environmental and economic. Amerplast sustainability strategy is guiding us towards new era of flexible packaging – the circular economy, together with our customers, partners and other stakeholders. 

Steps towards our vision – leading circular economy flexible packaging company


To guide us towards our vision, to be the leading circular economy flexible packaging company in Europe, we have set up a sustainability strategy with concrete actions and targets. Key focus is on the environmental impacts of our products and operations, health, safety and well-being of our employees, and the sustainability and integrity of our business.

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