Convenience strongly shapes consumers’ packaging needs. People value innovation that makes their lives easier. This means packaging that is easy to open and close, easy to use, suitable for the packed product, without forgetting about the eye-catching visuals and feel of the packaging. Many consumers often make their spending decisions in-store based not only on the price or the brand but also often on the stylish and attractive packaging.


Packaging design contributes to how much a product stands out on the shelf, the emotional response it creates and the likelihood it will be purchased. Using a different shape, size or material could create a contrast between the new product and the old offering, making it more visible. Visually attractive artwork, together with the special promotional effects that Amerplast offers, such as laser perforation, stickers or non-serial coding, guarantee that our customer’s products attract consumer attention.

Solutions Portfolio


We offer countless options and various formats for flexible packaging and we guarantee that we will find the perfect solution for your product. Amerplast’s solutions are focused on convenience and sustainability as well as high-quality materials, which provide freshness for products, healthy and easy cooking methods and enhanced visibility on the shelf.


Click below to find out more.


Sustainable Flexible Packaging


Sustainability is and will remain a key requirement for flexible packaging. At Amerplast, we are relentlessly promoting the use of green packaging solutions simply because we think it is our responsibility as a packaging supplier to constantly search for and bring forward the most environmentally friendly alternatives in materials and technologies for producing high quality packaging solutions.


The AmerGreen sustainability program is our quest for a better world. As part of the program, we offer sustainable raw materials and ensured recyclability. Read more >>

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