Dear Customer,


Following the first business update to you concerning Covid-19, its potential impact on our business and the measures we took to secure continued uninterrupted operations and services, I want to give you a further update now that we witness a second wave of the pandemic sweep across Europe.


This time lockdown measures or other government mandated restrictions have so far been confined to specific regions and areas with particularly high infections rates.


Amerplast suffered no supply disruptions during the first wave, despite increasing orders and the related demands set on our manufacturing, supply chain and logistics operations. We succeeded in keeping our employees safe and healthy and we were able to operate all our facilities to meet our customers’ needs. Indeed, we received many complimentary remarks regarding our service performance in that period. Amerplast very much appreciate this and continue to welcome any and all feedback from our customers.


We have continuously improved our understanding of how best to work and operate during the pandemic and have implemented further measures to successfully support our essential Hygiene, Retail and Food sectors and customers. We are now even better prepared to meet and overcome challenges posed by a second Covid-19 wave. Among other, where needed we can fast track supplies through streamlined processes at all our principal manufacturing centres in Finland and Poland.


We are determined and prepared to continue supporting all our valued customers and to meet their business needs and expectations during a second Covid wave.


We appreciate your business and our close cooperative partnership.





Mark Rooney
Chief Executive Officer

© 2024 Amerplast